Sarah Ford | October 4, 2013
Stop the Shutdown from Putting Historic Communities, Parks, and Landscapes in Jeopardy
As the federal government shutdown drags on with no end in sight, our historic communities, parks, and landscapes are in jeopardy.
How does this shutdown hurt historic preservation? Here are just a few ways:
- Areas affected by Hurricane Sandy and other natural disasters are in limbo as grants for historic rebuilding projects are frozen.
- Applications to rehab schools, factories, hotels, and other historic buildings using federal historic tax credits are on hold — jeopardizing the projects as well as the jobs, income and taxes they generate.
- Historic Main Street districts near shuttered public parks are suffering lost tourism revenue — damaging small businesses and local economies.
- Historic places on public lands are closed — disrupting their visitation, maintenance and preservation.
We’re fed up. Let’s tell Congress to get it together. It’s the right thing to do — for our economy and our heritage.
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